Henri Werner - Favorite Little Toy Lyrics | lyricsassistance.blogspot.com

henri werner - favorite little toy lyrics

Henri Werner - Favorite Little Toy Lyrics

Let me introduce you to my favorite little toy
Like a puppet without strings, such a happy funny boy
He participates in all of the games that I play, 
with a smile glued to his pretty face
Sits in his glass house that I keep on display
Hope he knows he’s here to stay

I never mean to smother you
Why do you look so blue
This is not to misconstrue
And maybe, it’s not right to keep you locked up
You’re just all the things that I love
Please don’t complain
Just hold my hand it’s all ok

He’s starting to get restless, yeah his threads are coming loose
Oh darling don’t you worry, my lovely little muse
Dear don’t try and break down these walls I built for you
It’s just for your safety please i’m running out of glue
This merry-go-round might be making you sick, 
let’s play something else this time you can pick
But just one condition I do have to say
Don’t ever try to run away

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